Saying "YES" to God

July 2018, my world changed forever. I took my first mission trip internationally. I went to Jinja, Uganda and spent 2 weeks there. The majority of my time was spent at Amani Baby Cottage. God wrecked me in those two weeks and showed me His heart. He showed me His love across the globe. He showed me how to be His hands and feet. He showed me His children. He showed me His love. I became very attached and drawn to Amani. I didn’t know if I would ever be back – but I knew those short two weeks were a part of God’s story for me. I found in my iPhone notes, on August 4th 2018, I was brainstorming my prayer list. And in that prayer list was: volunteer at Amani / do nursing? Maybe stay middle of May to beginning of July? The question marks are so insane to me because this is something I was praying about but never did I remember writing this note in my phone on my prayer list. I was simply just praying for a chance to return in any shape or form.


Fast forward to November, I was buying a plane ticket to Uganda. Departure: May 14. Return: July 1st. I sold t-shirts to fund the plane ticket. My t-shirts added up to be exactly the price of my plane ticket. I can’t make this stuff up. So I ran with it. I said YES to God and His calling. I knew this was right. I knew Amani was where I was supposed to spend my summer. I just didn’t know how God would help me grow over those particular 6 weeks.


I arrive to Uganda and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous to be across the globe alone for 6 weeks. Away from family, friends, and my lovely fiancé. But as soon as I got nestled in, I was more than okay. God eased my heart, He clarified His calling in my life to be in Jinja. I didn’t know what to expect over those 6 weeks, I just knew I was willing. I was willing to go and serve and love those special mamas and children with my whole heart. And I did just that. God works big when you’re outside your “comfort zone.” I formed my second home while in Africa and formed relationships with every person and child, just as they truly are my brothers and sisters in Christ. And even the mamas at Amani became women I would refer to as another mother of mine. This place is truly something so sacred. Just on the corner of Kira Road, holds a place so special to not only me; but every single person who encounters its’ wonders and the God filled space. You feel Jesus in every aspect – you see Buddy’s grin from ear to ear with his tongue out, you see Joseph’s sparkling eyes, you hear Sarah and Babirye’s laughs from the girls room, you hear Babu singing Disney songs during movie time, you hear the prayers before every meal and the cheerful “AMEN”s after, and you can’t help but experience the love of Jesus at all times while at Amani Baby Cottage. Thank you Jesus for allowing me to be even the tiniest part of the testament that ABC is!

Auntie Jessi
