Short-Term Intern Policies 

  1. Volunteers cannot wear anything that would not represent the ministry in a Godly Manner. Please adhere to our dress code-No plunging necklines (absolutely no cleavage showing) or tops that show your stomach. No spaghetti straps or tank tops (except if they have thick lasagna straps) or form fitting clothes. Leggings could be acceptable only if worn with a long shirt to cover your bottom. No shorts, skirts, and dresses above the knee. Dresses and skirts below the knee are acceptable.

  2. During volunteer hours, we ask that you wear scrubs as your uniform.

  3. Consult your physician about taking anti malaria and typhoid

  4. Volunteers may not go out after dark unless in a group approved by ABC.

  5. Volunteers may go into town during daylight free time in groups of two (2) or more.

  6. Volunteers may not date or go anywhere alone with anyone of the opposite sex of any country, unless you are a married couple.

  7. Volunteers must adhere to the photo policy and photo release.

  8. Volunteers must not pass on any information to anyone that asks about fostering a child or if any child is available for fostering. Direct the person to administration.

  9. Volunteers must be careful what you blog or put on any social media site as you are representing ABC.

  10. Volunteers must not post any information or pictures of a child in the process of being fostered.

  11. Volunteers must not drink alcoholic beverages.

  12. Volunteers must not smoke.

  13. Volunteers must not take any narcotic drugs.

  14. Volunteers must wear helmets on bodas (Taxi Motorcycles) and seatbelt in vehicles.

  15. If any volunteer breaks rules and causes themselves or anyone to be in harm’s way, the Director of Amani Baby Cottage can require them to go home early at their expense.


Terms of Commitment

  1. I commit to displaying a servant’s heart.

  2. I commit to following ABC dress code and code of conduct.

  3. I commit to not bringing my own agenda, but to work wherever needed, as directed by ABC so God will get the Glory.

  4. I commit to follow the shift schedule as given by ABC, by working 35-40 hours a week, and helping out with project/outreach on Saturdays.

  5. I commit to exhibiting a positive work habit that will encourage the Ugandan staff to follow my example as they observe my work ethic.


  1. I declare all the above information to be truthful and accurate.

  2. I understand that I will work under and submit to the authority of ABC.

  3. I understand that all finances and all insurances are entirely my own responsibility during my stay abroad, and that ABC cannot be held responsible for any loss in any matter. I understand that rent given to ABC is non refundable. I understand that I will work as an unpaid volunteer and I will cover all expenses myself.

  4. I understand that during my time as a volunteer I’m not allowed to take any narcotic drugs, alcoholic beverages, or smoke.

  5. I agree to not become involved in any dating/romantic relationships while volunteering with ABC.

We are grateful to God for the sacrifices each volunteer must make to come to Uganda to work at our home. However, if you cannot commit to the terms of this agreement, ABC reserves the right to request you to leave. 

As a volunteer, you have permission to use the name Amani Baby Cottage to raise funds and support from friends and organizations.

Amani Baby Cottage Photo Policy and Consent for Use of Photos and Name

While volunteering at ABC photos or videos uploaded to any social media sites must must approved and acknowledge the ministry, using #amanibabycottage, @amanibabycottage, and in conjunction with photo or video. The use of photos or videos taken at ABC to promote any other ministry activity, whether personal or in conjunction with any organization is expressly prohibited. You must not post any pictures or information of a child in the process of being fostered.


Amani Baby Cottage Photo Release

I hereby give Amani Baby Cottage the right and permission to publish, without charge, photos and/or video taken during my stay at ABC. These photos and/or video may be used in publications, including electronic publications, or in audiovisual presentations, promotional literature, advertising, or in other similar ways. 

Additionally, I understand that providing Amani Baby Cottage with any photos or images, electronic or otherwise, in my possession constitutes consent for ABC or any of ABC’s ministry partner organizations to use any or all of the photos or images in publications, on websites, and in promotional materials at ABC’s discretion without payment from ABC or any of ABC’s ministry partners, and without the need for ABC or any of ABC’s ministry partners to seek further consent for the use of said photos or images.




Please adhere to our Child Protection Policy

1. Principles

1.1 An adult has a moral and statutory duty for the care, custody and control of any children under the age of 18 under their supervision.

1.2 The child’s welfare is paramount with the staff’s first professional responsibility being to the children in their care, striving to protect and extend each child’s sensory, physical, emotional, intellectual and social well-being.

1.3 All young people, whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin, religious belief or sexual identity have the right to protection from abuse and to be treated as a human being.

1.4 All incidents, or suspicion, of poor practice, or allegations of abuse, must be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately.

1.5 This policy recognizes and builds on the legal and statutory definitions of a child: a young person is defined as being under the age of 18 years (Children’s Act 1997 definition).

1.6 Everyone at Total Family Outreach/Amani Babies Cottage in Jinja, Uganda - whether board members or staff, paid or voluntary, full time or part time, must use the same procedures consistently.

1.7 Total Family Outreach/Amani Babies Cottage recognizes the importance of the family and cooperates with other person, professionals, and organizations to promote programs that will enhance the quality of family life.

1.8 Staff and volunteers coming into contact with children in any paid or voluntary capacity need to operate within a framework of good policy and practice which will ensure that the children are safeguarded. Staff and volunteers must avoid taking advantage of trust.

1.9 The highest professional standards should therefore be maintained: the exploitation of any relationship for self gratification will not be tolerated.


2. Policy

2.1 All allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and all appropriate steps will be taken to collaborate fully with the statutory and voluntary agencies concerned with child abuse. It is a staff member’s legal responsibility to report any suspected abuse to the appropriate authorities.

2.2 All those coming into contact with children will be properly recruited and trained and subject to appropriate supervision.

2.3 In the selection and appointment of all staff and volunteers who may have access to children and young people, full references will be taken up and, if the information revealed by this exercise gives any cause for concern at all, the Director will be consulted before any appointment is made.

2.4 Management undertake to remain alert to any unusual or inappropriate behavior on the part of any Total Family Outreach/Amani Babies Cottage staff and volunteers towards young people or vice versa. In the event of suspicion or allegation of abuse, they should seek advice from the Board of Directors and, if necessary, contact the local Social Services Offices or Child Protection Officer (Uganda) direct.

2.5 Any member of staff or volunteer who is concerned about the welfare of a child or the behavior of a member of staff or volunteer must report their concern to a member of Total Family Outreach/Amani Babies Cottage management.

2.6 A staff worker regards as confidential and will not divulge, other than to appropriate persons and in a professional manner, information of a personal or domestic nature concerning either the child or his/her home.

2.7 Health and Safety Regulations must always be adhered to.

Management of Total Family Outreach/Amani Babies Cottage will be responsible for ensuring compliance to the Child Protection Policy.